When it comes to liposuction, there’s more than one way to remove stubborn fat. The traditional approach to this body contouring procedure is known as tumescent liposuction, during which your surgeon first injects a liquid solution into the targeted area to loosen fat cells and numb the region. The fat is then removed with the help of suction.*
Ultrasonic VASER® liposuction is different from tumescent liposuction. This innovative method uses high-energy sound waves to gently dissolve and liquefy troublesome fat,* although suction is still used for the removal process.
Using Sound to Blast Fat
One of the considerable benefits of VASER® liposuction is that it can be more precise than tumescent liposuction, since the tissue-selective ultrasonic waves are able to break apart fat without harming nearby tissue.* Blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue remain intact.* As a result, there can be considerably less postoperative swelling, bruising and discomfort, making for an easier recovery.*
Where VASER® Works Its Magic
VASER® liposuction has the added advantage of being more effective in treating parts of the body where fat is denser, such as the lower back, hips, abdomen and the male chest.* Men with gynecomastia and individuals who want to enhance muscle definition may see better results with ultrasonic liposuction.*
From smaller, more delicate regions to those that are a bit more involved, the highly selective technique of ultrasonic liposuction offers a more refined outcome.*
Arguably the most important component of any procedure is choosing the right plastic surgeon. Whether looking to refine your thigh gap or trying to lose your love handles, consult with a board certified plastic surgeon for the best option for you.
*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.