Although often regarded as a minor surgical procedure, liposuction surpassed breast augmentation in popularity in 2023, becoming the most sought-after cosmetic treatment in the United States. As more individuals turn to liposuction to target stubborn fat deposits, it’s essential to recognize that even though it is considered minor surgery, your body requires time to recuperate and heal after the procedure. Here we explore five valuable tips to guide you through your liposuction recovery, ensuring you’re prepared to embrace your newly contoured body.
1. Prepare for Recovery BEFORE Your Liposuction
The best time to think about your liposuction recovery is long before you even arrive for your procedure. You need to think about many different things. Who will drive you home from your procedure and assist you at home during the first 24 hours? What will you eat and who will prepare your meals? Where do you plan on recovering and what items do you need in your recovery area to best help minimize activity and maximize rest? What clothes should you wear to the hospital and what will you wear during recovery? These are the main questions to answer and consider before your procedure to best prepare yourself for your recovery.
2. Follow Your Post-Liposuction Instructions
After your liposuction procedure, Dr. Campanile provides you with post-liposuction instructions. These instructions will address everything from medications to take during recovery to the special compression garments you may need to wear during recovery. These instructions are designed to help you navigate your recovery and achieve optimal results from your liposuction procedure.
3. Wear Your Compression Garment as Directed
Chances are wearing a compression garment will be advised after your liposuction procedure. These garments can be anything from a specialized compression bra to a garment that wraps around the head and under the chin for neck liposuction. Compression garments may be worn for a few weeks or longer, based on your post-surgical instructions. These compression garments help minimize swelling, decrease bruising, minimize potential scars, reduce the risk of infection, and help improve comfort during your recovery.
4. Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated
Liposuction can be rough on the body and doing everything you can to nourish your body is essential during recovery. This includes eating healthy meals and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Chances are, however, you may not feel up to making all these meals so it is a good idea to prep meals ahead of time or have menus from your favorite delivery places ready and accessible.
5. Rest and Take Time To Heal
While you may be eager to go out and show off your new body contouring, your body needs time to rest and recover. In many cases, you can get back to work within a few days or a week, but don’t try to jump into more strenuous activities until given the all-clear by Dr. Campanile. Your body needs this time to recover and heal and, while it may not feel like you are doing much, your body is using that time to recover and deliver optimal body contouring results.
How you approach your recovery can make all the difference to your liposuction results. It is important to understand your liposuction procedure and what is expected during your recovery. Whether you are post-lipo or just getting ready for your procedure, Dr. Campanile and our professional team members are always here to answer your questions and help you navigate your liposuction recovery. Don’t hesitate to call 303-345-7476 with any questions or to schedule a new liposuction consultation.