I always like to stress the importance of maintaining realistic expectations about liposuction results. While lipo can make a big improvement in your appearance,* there are some things that lipo cannot do. This is true of every cosmetic procedure.
Keeping It Real
It’s a delicate balance, the fine line between explaining what a positive difference a cosmetic procedure can make in your life (and not just physically) and yet recommending caution when it comes to your expectations. A cosmetic procedure can enhance many aspects of your life, but it’s not a magic pill that will make everything better.
Liposuction is a great example. Lipo is used for body sculpting, not as a weight loss alternative. If you come to my practice in Denver thinking liposuction will help you lose 30 pounds, you’ll be very disappointed in your results. If, on the other hand, you’re already in good health and you come in hoping lipo will help you finally get rid of those love handles, or that little tummy paunch that sit-ups can’t seem to eliminate, you’ll probably be thrilled after your appointment.*
The main key to developing realistic expectations lies in doing your homework well before even coming in for a consultation. If you understand that lipo is best for fine-tuning problem spots rather than losing several pounds of extra fat, you’re bound to be better prepared for your procedure.* Take your time, do your homework, and you’ll learn what to expect, all of which can help you have a positive surgery experience with great results.*
*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.