Given the excellent benefits of liposuction, it’s no surprise that the procedure is one of the most
frequently performed cosmetic surgeries nationwide.
One of the biggest misconceptions about liposuction, however, is that the procedure stands in as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. The truth is that liposuction goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle instead.
Different Solutions for Different Types of Fat
Our bodies store two different types of fat, visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral fat is the type most commonly associated with diabetes and other dangerous health conditions. This type of fat tends to respond well to dieting and regular exercise.
Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is stored below the skin, and can be notoriously difficult to get rid of with a healthy lifestyle alone. That’s when liposuction is often used to fine-tune weight loss efforts.*
Keeping the Fat Off Long-Term
Although liposuction removes fat cells from your body, you can still regain the fat you’ve lost through your procedure.* Surrounding fat cells can expand to replace the removed fatty deposits if you don’t carefully maintain your results.* Just like before you got lipo, regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you keep those love handles at bay.*
Body contouring surgery without the lifestyle to support it will likely have short-term results, while living an active, health-conscious life prior to body contouring can mean you’re a better candidate for liposuction.*
*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.